Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Wow! Sorry it's been so long for an update on our family. We are just busy with school and life! My going back to school has definitely made our lives a lot more hectic. The kids are doing well in school, I'm so glad they are at Summit. We are keeping our fingers crossed that the school board will approve Summit's application for a High School. If approved, it will be ready for the 2010 school year. I would love for it to be ready for Taylor, it's just so much more sheltered there.

We are excited about the upcoming Holidays, and the kids are counting down the days to Thanksgiving so that we can decorate the house. We always decorate the day after Thanksgiving, they can hardly wait. They are begging me to decorate now, but I am putting them off one more week. I have managed to find time to put the outside lights are up, although they are not plugged in yet.

I am anxious for finals to be over. I will be done with this Semester on the 10th of December, just in time for my birthday. It will be such a relief to have this Semester behind me. I only have one more clinical day left at HealthSouth. I didn't think I would enjoy it there, but have found a part of me that I didn't know existed. I have found I really enjoy the elderly patients there, and have learned to look at them as children of our Heavenly Father. There is definitely something spiritual about caring for them in the way that a nurse does. I think when I am done with school I will heavily consider working there. It is also so close to home, and their nursing salaries are high. I am excited for next Semester, it will be more like playtime for me. I will be doing OB/Neonatal, Pediatrics, and Med/Surg.

I will try to get some pictures of the kids posted later, I promise!

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